I forgive you not recognize...

Tired of everything is going to hell now! nothing is the same without you.
I wish I could rewind time & fix everything that went wrong.
nothing is consciously, and all that stupid that I have said ..
it was because I was so afraid to lose you!
haha, but you I'm sorry
but I will probably never forgive you any more ..
you had your chance but you blew them.
I hope you are happy with the new girl you have,
that is one of my friends ..
for me, you will not get back again.!
I'm going to try to forget and start again, try to find love again, no better than you!

Postat av: Anonym

Tycker synd om dig Hanna <3

2009-12-25 @ 22:06:51
Postat av: patricia

hanna du vet att ja finns...


2009-12-26 @ 16:33:30
Postat av: hanna

vet de sötnos! <33

2009-12-27 @ 20:16:00
URL: http://kasanen.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

yeah, joråå. dom mår prima vöttööö :)

2010-01-04 @ 02:28:34

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